The Los Angeles County business lawyers at Counts Law Firm represent both individuals and businesses in a variety of sizes and industries in California including: sole proprietors, partnerships, small corporations, and limited liability companies. Our business law firm represents both Plaintiffs seeking business advice, and Defendants seeking legal defense. Our business law firm has substantial experience in the following business matters:
Counts Law Firm is not your average Los Angeles business attorney
Our business attorneys provide clarity, creative strategy, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and transparency. We quickly determine relevant facts, issues, and goals, and execute the plan. Attorney Counts is a resourceful and gifted business thinker dedicated to his clients winning. You need a business law attorney experienced in contracts, partnership disputes, breach of contract, fraud, warranty, debt collection, and debt negotiation. You need a business lawyer who can communicate to you in plain English so that you can make informed decisions.
Whether this is the only time you have ever needed to hire a business law firm, or you have a business that could benefit from general business counsel, Counts Law Firm will know how to help you navigate business transactional, negotiation, and litigation matters. Call Counts Law Firm today at (626) 463-7300 or contact us online to schedule a free video consultation.